Insights and Disciplines for Companies and Organisations
Rather than offer up a catchy ‘word salad’, an ‘extensive bullet-point list’ of ideas about the benefits of Corporate Meditation, we recommend you purchase a Six-Week Course for a number of employees who you feel would benefit from some help with Meditation. Let them decide and share their ‘experience’. In the Practice and Experience of Meditation participants will feel the merits and values of Meditation.
Meditation is not for everyone. Some don’t like it and will not work to apply its demands. But for those who are interested to develop an ability to Meditate the benefits are exponential, not only to themselves but to your organisation as well.
A few points for consideration might include:-
- Some organisations are interested in helping their associates and personnel cope more efficiently with response to the accelerating mental demands of modern business culture.
- Doing Meditation ‘together’ builds individuals’ integration, improving workplace attendance, performance, productivity & individual endurance.
- Practising light practical Meditation exercises brings freshness, creative energy and often unfolds new vigour and insight in unexpected ways. Better problem solving capacities and resistance resolutions are derived from applying Meditation.
- A good facilitator with initiative and creativity helps a lot to introduce gentle change to a sometimes flagging workplace culture.
6 Week Course – Corporate Meditation
The Start-up Corporate Meditation Course is a 45 minute session held at your Company venue address over 6 consecutive weeks. Off-Course daily Meditation practice is recommended for participants. No special equipment or clothing attire is required, only seating(chairs) in a dedicated room. The Course fee is issued upon enquiry.
Developed for You
Some Corporations & Organisations choose to have us develop a time limited Meditation program suited to their workplace culture; popularly between 5 and 25 minutes in length, but longer if desired. Ask us for details about how we do this.